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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Highland Presbyterian Church Sunday Sermon: Sun., 5 September 2010

DATE: Sunday, 5 September 2010
TEXT: Psalm 146:1 - 10 [ESV]
TITLE: “Put Not Your Trust in Princes!”


Psalm 146:1 - 10

1 Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
2 I will praise the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

3 Put not your trust in princes,
in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
4 When his breath departs, he returns to the earth;
on that very day his plans perish.

5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord his God,
6 Who made heaven and earth,
the sea, and all that is in them,
Who keeps faith forever;
7 Who executes justice for the oppressed,
Who gives food to the hungry.

The Lord sets the prisoners free;
8 the Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down;
the Lord loves the righteous.
9 The Lord watches over the sojourners;
He upholds the widow and the fatherless,
but the way of the wicked He brings to ruin.

10 The Lord will reign forever,
your God, O Zion, to all generations.
Praise the Lord!

Danger comes in many and various forms and temptations are seldom overtly ugly, or else the dangers would not be half so dangerous, and the temptations would not be tempting.

Now, taken in passing, this statement might seem both innocuous and self-evident, but as with a great many things in this life that we live (and, fallen human beings being who and what we are), the Devil is quite literally in the details.

I mention this now, at this time, in the wake of Fox News’ commentator Glenn Beck’s “Divine Destiny” pep-rally at the Kennedy Center and his much larger “Restoring Honor Rally” on the National Mall. On the surface, these events were quite successful and drew at least a couple hundred thousand souls who handsomely filled the Mall from the World War II Memorial to the Lincoln Memorial. Some 250 largely evangelical pastors and leaders from a variety of denominations and para-church ministries participated, thereby, lending their patronage and prestige to the event and adding to its overall popularity.

And this is precisely where the Devil began to enter the details — its popularity lent the twin rallies a patina (or veneer) of evangelical respectability and popularity. The rally was conservative , both culturally and politically; it was a high energy event that made full use of Beck’s inherent personal charisma and his considerable popular communications skills.

BUT . . .
And this is a huge but, this so-called moment of “national revival” was, at best woefully inadequate, and, at worst, spiritually fatal to the gullible — it was possessed of the ability to critically wound the naive and the unwary.

Now, right at this point, some of you will be quite vexed with me, or inclined to think that the knot has slipped my mental thread. After all, Beck shares many of our cultural values; he is a political and fiscal conservative and he mentioned “god” so frequently, so positively and with such enthusiasm that it seemed totally on “the up-and-up”; “what possibly could be Rusty’s problem?!?”

Chiefly, I have two problems, but they are major systemic, foundational problems that revolve around a third even more central and overwhelming Biblical problem addressed by our text for this morning:
  • PROBLEM ONE: Glenn Beck has now billed himself — both explicitly, and by implication — as a spiritual leader, mover and shaker of the “Religious Right”. This is, at best, problematic because, [A] Beck is Biblically and theologically under-informed to uninformed; and, [B] he is not a Christian; he is a highly committed and active Mormon.
  • PROBLEM TWO: The god to whom Beck repeatedly refers and directs our attention is a generic god of secular civil religion, and the religion itself is not orthodox Biblical Christianity, but rather, the limp, anemic counterfeit of publically-accepted ceremonial civic Deism — that is to say it is the “cosmic watch-making god” of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin who is seen to have constructed and “wound-up” the universe only to watch it “run-down”. This is the idolatrous god of Franklin’s vain imaginings who “helps those who help themselves.”
The third, and by far most serious, of the problems, as I mentioned above is that this god presented last Friday night — and all day last Saturday — is not the God of heaven and earth presented generally in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and, specifically, in Psalm 146. Beck’s god is not the only true God who is Sovereign Monarch Who rules over His subjects not only with supreme justice, righteousness and holiness, but also with love and grace. This God, Yahweh, the Lord, is the one Who “executes justice for the oppressed”, “Who keeps faith forever” (even when we are faithless), “Who gives food to the hungry”, “Who sets prisoners free”, “Who opens the eyes of the, lifts up those who are bowed down, and loves the righteous”.

This Biblical God is, most assuredly not the god appealed to by Glenn Beck last Saturday in the nation’s capital. Our God is not the god who offers only “individual salvation” to those who work hard enough, well enough and sinlessly enough to “make the grade” and merit salvation.

So it is here that we properly begin our study, this morning, into the Scriptural God of Psalm 146, who tells us through the psalmist “put not your trust in princes; in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.”

As with Psalm 8, we don’t know a great deal about this psalm or the events surrounding its composition. And, again, it is one of the psalms traditionally attributed to David. But as we examine it, several important things should powerfully strike us about it “right out of the gate”.

First among these considerations is the fact that, as with Psalm 8, and so many others of the psalms, it is immediately apparent that David presents us with a portrait of a personal God with Whom he is well acquainted and for Whom he has a genuine love, high regard and definite passion. Again, God’s personal name, Yahweh, represented by the Tetragrammaton, Lord, is heavily used — in fact, “Lord” appears 11 times. Additionally the personal pronouns “He” and “Who / Whom” are used an additional six times, and the explicit descriptor, “the God of Jacob” is also used once.

I do not mention this to either bore you with statistics, or to hone your skills and “personal knowledge bank” for Trivial Pursuit, but rather because these references make it, or should, abundantly clear that David speaks of one Whom he knows and knows well. This is no amorphous, anonymous god who is either unknown or lightly regarded.

This understanding is crucial to grasping the faith and life of believers, and its importance cannot be overstated. We love, praise, worship and serve a known and knowable God Who has, does and always will reveal Himself to us. Whether here in the psalms, or a millennium later with Paul at Mars Hill in Athens, the believer is called to know, praise and proclaim this Covenant God of ours (remember Paul, in Acts 17:23 saying, “For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription, ‘To the unknown god.’ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.”).

Psalm 146 begins and ends, as our lives of faith should also begin and end, with praise, literally with shouts of “Hallelujah!” to the triune Lord of heaven and earth because it is His very existence, His creation and rule of the entire cosmos that brings us order, purpose and hope, especially when we are suffering and in need of God’s salvation.

Vv. 1 & 2: Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul! I will praise the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being: David begins this psalm by calling for praise to Yahweh, something that can only be considered and accomplished if one genuinely knows Him. And, in fact, this psalm can be seen structurally as a responsive reading for worship, much like ones we still use to this day, a feature common to many if not most of the psalms. That said, picture David calling out to the assembled Israelites saying, “Praise the LORD!” to which they respond, “Praise the LORD, O my soul! I will praise the LORD as long as I live! I will sing praise to my God as long as I have my being.”

The opening two verses set the tone and tenor for the entire psalm and call us in a very definite way to look toward and offer our praise, even the whole of ourselves — our very being and essence — back to the Lord “from Whom all blessings flow.” We are called to offer this praise (and this act itself goes far, far beyond some sort of supernatural cheerleading because God is neat and nifty) for the whole of our earthly and resurrected lives. In light of the Resurrection, and what we know of both salvation and condemnation, this is the full sense and impact of the statement “as long as I have being.” We will never be without being. Whether in this earthly life, or after our natural deaths, we still have being and stand in the presence of the ever-living and all powerful God.

Vv. 3 & 4: Put not your trust in princes;, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that day his plans perish. The hue and cry in life is frequently, and realistically always has been, to call for our leadership from “the best”, “the strongest”, “the most telegenic” or the “most novel proponent of change”, whether conservative, liberal radical moderate, or what have you. This is a temptation that goes back to the very foundations of the human family, and it’s a product of sin and the Fall that beset us continually.

Though we are here warned that we should never put our trust and hope in those who are physically, spiritually and morally unable to fulfill the mandate they either seek, or that we seek to thrust upon them, we nonetheless “pursue the dream” of new and better utopias (that mythical perfect state that always, without exception, turns quickly into dystopia, the habitation of evil and dysfunction). We see it early, in Genesis 4:23 & 24, under the self-appointed leadership of Cain’s son, Lamech, who boasted to his two wives, “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice, you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. If Cain’s revenge is seven-fold, then Lamech’s is seventy-sevenfold.”

We see it time and time and again, even in the covenant people:

  • as they leave from Egypt, and many followed the leadership of Korah and Dathan (in Numbers 16) as they rebelled against Moses’ leadership under God, and sought to implement the coming “new thing”. Korah, Dathan, their sons and families were destroyed and buried by God in the sun-baked sands of the Sinai.
  • In Judges 16 we have The Israelites attempting to follow Samson, the strongest, by far among them, as a Judge over Israel. He very nearly led them to destruction at the hands of the Philistines, and only won in the end by his suicidal pulling down of Dagon’s Temple.
  • Then, we see the Israelites demand a king to replace God’s chosen judge and priest, Samuel. God gives them exactly the king the ask for when he commands Samuel to appoint and anoint Saul as their king. Despite promising beginnings, Saul’s kingship was disastrous. It led to civil war on account of Saul’s personal jealousy and thirst for personal power. Saul allowed himself to be slain by his armor-bearer rather than be taken by the Philistines in a losing battle. He died on a hill and his plans perished with him.
Even in this past century, leader after leader of movement after movement in nation after nation have led their followers and nations into the götterdämmerung of broken dreams, slaughtered lives and burning nations. And, all because they dreamed grand and lofty dreams, sought fantastic visions, but almost always either ignored God completely or so twisted His word and His designs that their systems became satanic havens of cruelty, abuse, tyranny and destruction.

  • The “Christian Empire of Russia” and the “Christian Empire of Germany” went to war in 1914 dragging all of Europe, Western Asia, Africa, India, Australia and North America in World War I in which military and civilian casualties — wounded and killed — were posted at 39 million in the four-and-a-half years of the war. That’s nearly 9 million per year — the population of one New York-sized city per year wiped out every year for four years.
  • This was immediately followed by the beginnings of the Russian Civil War and the beginnings of the 70-year-long communist Soviet Empire in which another 12 - 15 million people were killed between 1917 and the beginning of World War II.
  • World War II erupted as Hitler’s “glorious 1,000 years Reich” and Japan’s “Empire of the Rising Sun” plunged the entire world into the hell of war, death and destruction in the name of “scientific racial superiority” and their mutual and allied attempts to control massive territories and create new utopias. In 1945, the once-flat plain upon which Berlin was constructed, for the first time had hills in the city that were the remains of the thousands of buildings leveled by the Red Army and Allied bombing campaigns. Another 60 Million dead in seven years. Hitler took cyanide and shot himself in the head. His breath departed from him and his plans perished.
No matter the time frame, Scripture’s clear warning rings out. Princes promise many things. They may even promise national salvation and the “1000 year Reich”, but they never produce the promised results. The only crops they ever produce are the massed field of cross-shaped tomb-stones that litter a thousand-thousand fields and hillsides around the world. Death, destruction, mayhem and misery are their commodities produced in train-load lots.

It is for this reason that the psalmist says, in the parallel verses of Psalm 118:8-9: “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.”

Will we never learn?!?

There is only one solution to our difficulties: trust in the Covenant God of Jacob who offers this salvation through the completed work of His Son, Jesus Christ who is the King of kings and Lord of lords. And this brings us to the next section of the psalm.

Vv. 5 - 9: Blessed is he whose help is in the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, Who made heaven and earth,... keeps faith forever, ... executes justice for the oppressed,... gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets the prisoners free,... opens blind eyes, ... lifts up the bowed down, ... loves the righteous, ... watches sojourners, ... upholds the widow and orphan and brings the way of the wicked to ruin. Our trust, loyalty, faith and service should be placed firmly and always in the God who truly is our only hope. This is the unlimited and all-powerful Covenant Lord who made heaven and earth and all that is in them. He is the one Who knows us warts and all, at our best and our worst; He knows us when we rise and when we sit and lie down; He knows us through all the seasons, trials, tribulations and temptations of our lives and has made provision for us in His eternal will.

Despite some of the best care in the world, socially, medically, politically, militarily and any otherwise, we are protected, preserved and lifted up not by the size of our armed forces, not by our social service and welfare systems, not by our representative republican government, not by our scientists or anything else other than by the hand of the known and knowable God of Jacob. He is the one Who uses all of these other programs when they work, and do not seek the credit for themselves. But when they seek to usurp His domain, or claim some other lord, temporal or religious, He dashes them to pieces and sends them, as President Ronald Reagan once observed to the “dustbin of history”.

We must reckon on, meditate upon and understand these verses and to the reality to which they point. We must see that they refer to the completed work of God in His universe among the people whom he created, breathed the breath of life and in whom He placed His image — that same image to which we referred last week as we studied Psalm 8.

We must see that this is the God of remnant Who has time after time, century after century and epoch after epoch made covenant with His people whom He has chosen for Himself. He has ransomed, released, transformed, empowered, saved, sanctified and preserved them from the very beginnings of human history to the very present.
We live in a university town, and Slippery Rock Township and Borough are at the very heart of our school district. Three months ago, we passed through the baccalaureate season and recognized our highschool and college graduates. We’ve listened to them as they’ve shared their dreams with us. We’ve commiserated with them as they’ve compiled their resumes (the curriculum vitae) in the sometimes elusive search for that first big job.

Right here in these verses we possess God’s accomplished C.V., His eternal resume. It is not padded, it does not misdirect, mislead or lie. It is the "real deal".

And this resume of His is the accomplished list of those things that He has done, even now and ever-will completes on behalf of those who are His. This is more than a list of promises of “new and better tomorrows”; is the accomplished listing of the Creator, redeemer and sustainer of the entire cosmos.

This past week, Nobel laureate physicist Stephen Hawking, the Newton Chair at Oxford, announced that God was unnecessary and that “theories about His role” in creation and history are either, at best illusory wishful thinking, or at worst, detrimental to humanity’s future.

Thus speaks “human wisdom”.

But, Hawking, undisputed super-genius that he is, misses “the big picture” while mired in the minutiae of his theories and calculations. He is severely misled, is misleading others and in as desperate need of the God of Heaven and Earth as every other human being ever born.

And as we look to these verses, we are, or should be, struck by the ways in our ever-faithful God provides daily for us, and of the demands that He places upon us based upon His super-abundant providential supply of our needs.

In fact, we must consider that this resume is repeated over and over again throughout Scripture and points the way to God’s greatest provision for us in the atoning sacrificial work of Christ in the cross. These verses “set the score straight” and point us to Isaiah’s prophesy in Isaiah 61, which Jesus references in Luke 4:18 & 19 and fulfilled by His death on the Cross and Resurrection from death: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.”

Many kings, princes, presidents and other leaders have pledged and promised to do grand and noble deeds. They offer us milk and honey, but deliver vinegar and ashes. They promise enlightenment and broad vistas of human potential, but lead us to intellectual dead-ends and the abasement of human dignity. They promise to release the oppressed from their bondage, but bind the body, the soul and the spirit to ever deepening and debased degradations that mock God and strip away the dignity over our God-created nature and His image within us.

Once understood, even if imperfectly, as creations, we now join with Lamech and declare our independence of God and our supposed freedom. And in so doing, the world around us, particularly this western culture of ours, has bought into the great lie and counterfeit. As St. Paul tells us in Romans 1:21 - 25:
  • . . . although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
Glenn Beck is correct that the calculus of God’s salvation is an individual one. All human beings must come to a point of decision and choose whether they will love, serve and follow the God who created and saves us, but he has missed the point that this salvation, while individual, is always lived out in community.

As Christ, the Lamb of God, has died for us to ransom us from the consequences of the Fall, He has done so, that, by the inward power and witness of the Holy Spirit, we might fully live into the delivered promises made by our Triune God.

And this brings us round again to where we began this morning’s study of Psalm 146.

V. 10: The LORD will reign forever, your God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise the LORD! Our call is to always remember and seek Yahweh, the LORD, our eternal God Who has reigned and held the entire universe in the palm of His hand from eternity past unto eternity yet to come.

We seek and find Him through His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ the Lord as we experience the intercession and work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds in order that we may truly see, know and understand Him.

We begin, live out and end our lives of loving fellowship with this utterly holy, righteous, just, loving and grace-filled God of ours in the same place: we are filled with reverence, holy fear, love and praise for Him.

Whether we always recognize it or not, He does reign forever. He is The King Who truly provides for His subjects and has so designed and worked His plan that He enables us to be far more than mere creations. Instead He calls us His own children and has so arranged things that the “Father/Children” relationship is no mere appellation and title. Instead it is an ever present reality by virtue of our adoption through the atonement won by His own Son, our Lord.

We are truly His legal children and heirs. The God Who takes care of the widow and orphan has ensured that we are orphaned no longer because we have an eternal Father Who never forgets or forsakes us.

So we truly are enabled to live out our lives of thanks and praise in real time everyday by living into the salvation to which He has called us and which He has definitely delivered.

Our call is to be faithful to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Our call is to proclaim and publish the grace of God available only through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Our call is to do the works of Him Who calls & sends us, even when that means getting our knuckles dirty.

To say this does not mean that we don’t get involved with politics. It does not mean that we cannot have political opinions or that we remain aloof from philosophy, the arts, sciences, and the frequently messy nitty-gritty of daily life in the here and now. But it most assuredly does mean that our first allegiance is always, & must always be, to King Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, Who executes justice for the oppressed, gives food to the hungry, frees the prisoner and provides for the widow and the orphan, loves the righteous and brings the way of the wicked to ruin. To do less than this is treason against the Kingdom of God and the reigning Sovereign thereof.

I bear Glenn Beck no ill-will. I do not think he is a bad man, and I do believe he is quite sincere in the call he has just made to the nation. But, I also believe that he is honestly misled. He seeks an anonymous and generic god who is, ultimately a pale shadow and weak counterfeit of the God Whom we definitely know, Who has been revealed to us through the fulfilled Gospel of Jesus Christ which we are called to publish and proclaim with loud and joyful voices.

Beck is correct to a point about the origins of the malaise in which we, and all other human beings find ourselves. He is right when he says that our problems and deficiencies are spiritual ones. But, we will not find the help we need if we do not seek its true source and realize that we cannot and will not ever work our way to that God.

We must seek the God Who proclaims Himself to us. We must surrender to the God Who delivers us from “this body of death”. We must offer our praise, our thanks — even our very selves — to the Lord, the personal God of Jacob, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and the one Who warns us “never to put our trust in princes” and Who alone delivers salvation to us as He lovingly and graciously saves and restores us.

“Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.”


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